Gautrand Jean Claude

Paris: Portrait of a City Paris: Portrait of a City
Автор: Жанр: Taschen Издательство: Taschen Год: 2013 Страниц: 544 Дата загрузки: 24 августа 2015
   TASCHENs Paris, Portrt einer Stadt fhrt uns durch eine, wie Goethe es formulierte, „Weltstadt, wo jeder Gang ber eine Brcke oder einen Platz an eine groe Vergangenheit erinnert und wo an jeder Straenecke ein Stck Geschichte sich entwickelt hat“. Die Historie von Paris wird anhand bedeutender Fotografien nacherzhlt, von Daguerres frhen Inkunabeln bis zu aktuellen Aufnahmen — eine berbordende Bestandsaufnahme des Wandels, ein gewaltiges Panorama von mehr als 600 Seiten und 500 Fotografien. Dieses Buch vereint Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, Monumentales und Alltgliches, Architektur und Mode. Aufnahmen weltberhmter Fotografen, aber auch Bilder von Unbekannten fangen die besondere „Pariser Atmosphre“ ein. Mit jener speziellen Poesie, die diese Stadt und ihre Bewohner bis heute vermitteln. Nicht zufllig haben sich daran ber die Jahrhunderte hinweg unzhlige Schriftsteller und Knstler inspiriert.
Paris: Portrait of a City Paris: Portrait of a City
Автор: Жанр: Taschen Издательство: Taschen Год: 2013 Страниц: 192 Дата загрузки: 16 мая 2016
   L'air de Paris. This is the vivid history of the capital of love and photography. A city built on two millennia of history, Paris is entering the third century of its love story with photography. It was on the banks of the Seine that Niepce and Daguerre officially gave birth to this new art that has flourished ever since, developing a distinctive language and becoming a vital tool of knowledge. «Paris, Portrait of a City» recounts the history of the city in photographs ranging from Daguerre's early incunabula to the most recent images — a span of over a century and a half of transformations. This book brings together the past and the present, the monumental and the everyday, objects and people. Images captured by the most illustrious photographers — Daguerre, Marville, Atget, Lartigue, Brassai, Kertesz, Ronis, Doisneau, Cartier-Bresson and many more — but also by many unknown photographers, attempt to bottle just a little of that «Parisian air», something of that particular poetry given out by the stones and inhabitants of a constantly changing city that has inspired untold numbers of writers and artists over the ages.
Brassai Paris Brassai Paris
Автор: Жанр: Taschen Издательство: Taschen Год: 2008 Страниц: 192 Дата загрузки: 15 июля 2009
   To say Brassai' was hugely talented would be an understatement. He excelled as both draughtsman and sculptor. He was a talented writer who could turn his hand to journalism. Over the years, he won the friendship of countless artists. But it is above all his work as a photographer which has won him a place in history, as the consummate observer of Paris. The night became his intimate companion, and his photographic work is inhabited by a unique kind of tenderness. His greatest gift was his capacity for responding to the slightest hint from the outside world. He acted as both receiver and reflector of the energy around him. He seems to have existed in a state of permanent availability. According to the former director of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, John Szarkowski, in the late 1930's European photography was dominated by two main figures: Cartier-Bresson, the master of classical proportion, and Brassai, the master of the bizarre.
Robert Doisneau Robert Doisneau
Автор: Жанр: Taschen Издательство: Taschen Год: 2003 Страниц: 192 Дата загрузки: 15 сентября 2008
   »For over six decades, Robert Doisneau cast his net in still waters, light years away from the predatory news photographers of today, 'feeling his way', in his own words, 'prompted by feelings of attraction and repulsion, tossed hither and thither by events, and allowing intuition its head — even when it kicked over the traces...» Doisneau delighted in gleaning the instant. Clear of gaze, a man with a winning smile, he liked to say 'I never noticed time passing, I was too taken up with the spectacle afforded by my contemporaries, that gratuitous, never-ending show for which no ticket is needed, and when the occasion arose, I offered them, in passing, the ephemeral solace of an image'. Throughout the years Doisneau captured, day after day, 'the ordinary gestures of ordinary people in ordinary situations'. Joys he felt and discoveries he made as he walked the city make up the subject-matter of his photographs: «There are days when simply seeing feels like happiness itself ... You feel so rich, the elation seems almost excessive and you want to share it'...»
Paris Mon Amour Paris Mon Amour
Автор: Жанр: Taschen Издательство: Taschen Год: 2004 Страниц: 240 Дата загрузки: 22 мая 2009
   At once cosmopolitan metropolis and venue for a pensive stroll, Moloch and emblem of the modern, Paris has been a source of inspiration for countless artists and writers down the ages. But not least it is the home and constant muse of a relatively young art: photography. Since the earliest days of the daguerreotype right up to our time, renowned photographers such as Joseph Nicéphore Niepce, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Doisneau, and Jeanloup Sieff have lived and worked in the city of lights. Over the years a love affair developed between Paris and photography, giving rise to a remarkable record of the metropolis and a telling history of a new art form. This volume takes the reader on numerous walks, camera in hand, through the streets of Paris. Atmospheric black-and-white photos, shot by great photographers over two centuries, reveal the dramatic and the tranquil, the historic and the everyday—in the capital`s parks and gardens, boulevards and backstreets, passages and arcades, bistros and nightclubs.




