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Cats: 2-volume: Set: Cat Tales and Most Beautiful Cats Cats: 2-volume: Set: Cat Tales and Most Beautiful Cats
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2012 Страниц: 192 Дата загрузки: 16 мая 2015
   A guide to appreciation and ownership of a cat, Cat Tales discusses everything from choosing which cat is right for you to deciding whether to enter breed competitions. The Most Beautiful Cats is a wide-ranging survey of breeds, describing their origins, characteristics, and health concerns. Both books are beautifully illustrated with photos of handsome and unusual animals, and are presented in a thematic laminated gift binder with a ribbon tie and color-coordinated endpapers.
Paradoxe sur le comedien Paradoxe sur le comedien
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2000 Страниц: 316 Дата загрузки: 12 марта 2009
   Qu'est-ce qui fait le grand acteur? A cette question, Diderot répond en bravant l'opinion de son temps. Le comédien n'a pas à ressentir les passions qu'il exprime; c'est par l'étude des grands modèles, la connaissance du cœur humain et un travail assidu qu'il parvient à incarner ses différents rôles. Cette thèse de Diderot est-elle si novatrice? Pour en mesurer la portée, il faut la replacer dans la suite des théories sur l'art du comédien élaborées avant lui.
Les Perses Les Perses
Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2014 Страниц: 254 Дата загрузки: 21 октрября 2017
   Devant le palais du roi de Perse, le Conseil et la vieille Reine sont gagnés par l'inquiétude: qu'est-il advenu de Xerxès et de son armée, partis soumettre la Grèce en franchissant audacieusement l'Hellespont? Mais voici un messager, qui s'en vient annoncer l'issue des combats... Avec Les Perses, Eschyle compose une tragédie unique et paradoxale: en prise sur l'histoire immédiate, presque sans action, elle se déploie en un somptueux tissu de récits et de plaintes, et la joie du vainqueur y balance subtilement la compassion pour le vaincu.
Le feu Le feu
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2014 Страниц: 522 Дата загрузки: 15 июля 2015
   Pour les hommes du 231e régiment d'infanterie, les différences d'âge et de condition sociale n'importent plus. Tous sont venus s'enterrer dans les tranchées boueuses de Crouy, sous la pluie et le feu de la mitraille allemande. Leur seule certitude face aux armées ennemies: «I'faut t'nir». Barbusse fut l'un des leurs. Tiré de ses carnets de guerre, ce roman, prix Goncourt 1916, révéla à ceux de l'arrière le quotidien des poilus: leur courage, leur camaraderie, leur argot, mais aussi la saleté, l'attente et l'ennui. Cette guerre, l'état-major, le gouvernement et la presse patriotique la censurent. Il faudra un roman comme Le feu pour en dire toute la barbarie mécanique, mais aussi l'espoir: celui de s'en sortir vivant.
Fables Fables
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2013 Страниц: 242 Дата загрузки: 25 апреля 2017
   La Fontaine le dit et le repete a l'envi : les Fables ne sont pas ce qu'elles semblent etre. Curieux pedagogue sans doute que ce poete qui dedie son ?uvre au Dauphin, et qui pretend user, pour former ce jeune homme, de l'arme du «mensonge». Car les Fables cachent, travestissent, simulent et dissimulent a la fois. On doit apprendre a les lire. Pour cela, il faut demonter leurs mecanismes et leurs codes subtils, retrouver l'architecture secrete qui les ordonne. Les Fables sont un piege, un leurre, l'envers des apparences il convient, pour les gouter, de retourner les evidences. Jean-Jacques Rousseau l'avait bien compris, qui ecrivait dans l'Emile : « On fait apprendre les fables de La Fontaine a tous les enfants, et il n'y en a pas un seul qui les entende. Quand ils les entendraient, ce serait encore pis ; car la morale en est tellement melee et si disproportionnee a leur age, qu'elle les porterait plus au vice qu'a la vertu»...
Premier amour Premier amour
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2014 Страниц: 115 Дата загрузки: 17 апреля 2018
   Au début de l'été 1833, à peine âgé de seize ans, Vladimir rencontre l'amour pour la première fois dans la maison de campagne où il passe ses vacances. Mais la belle jeune fille qui l'a ébloui, plus âgée que lui, forte et indépendante, va bientôt le réduire au désespoir... En racontant la passion malheureuse du novice Vladimir pour la séduisante Zinaïda, Tourguéniev compose un émouvant récit d'apprentissage mêlé de souvenirs autobiographiques.
Paris Magnum Paris Magnum
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2014 Страниц: 297 Дата загрузки: 25 апреля 2018
   This homage to Paris by the great Magnum photographers reveals a multifaceted portrait of the city's effervescent character in 350 photographs. By documenting the everyday workings of the city, Magnum's photographers capture the essence of Parisian life. Their photographs show the city as it lives and breathes — from fashion shows to underground jazz clubs, from the bustling metro to outdoor cafes, and from the Art Deco Fouquet's hotel to the working-class Goutte d'Or neighborhood. Even celebrities appear as ordinary citizens encountered in their own milieu — from former President Francois Mitterrand to novelist Marguerite Duras, singer Edith Piaf to actress Catherine Deneuve, fashion designer Christian Dior to artist Giacometti. The city's rich history and traditions are inherent in images depicting the bravery of an unknown female resistance fighter, the exuberant joy upon the Liberation of Paris, the eroticism of burlesque dancers, or the excitement of the final lap of the Tour de France. Crusty baguettes, buttery escargot, glasses of wine, and abundant butcher cases attest to the gastronomic pleasures of the city, and all of the monuments — the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Notre-Dame — appear like cast members at curtain call. This book celebrates the myriad aspects of Paris in a volume as captivating for the lifelong Parisian as it is for the armchair traveler.
Private Houses of France: Living with History Private Houses of France: Living with History
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2014 Страниц: 294 Дата загрузки: 22 мая 2017
   A dozen aristocratic French families invite readers to experience their elegant lifestyle, from the royal stag hunting tradition of Louis XI and Louis XIII at the Chateau de Champchevrier to Hubert de Givenchys elegant Parisian townhouse imbued with grandeur and comfort in the style of Napolean III. The featured houses, illustrated with specially commissioned photography, represent key periods of French decoration. The exquisite Renaissance architecture of Chateau dAnet and its sumptuous interiors with great fireplaces, silk upholstered sofas, and soft lighting exude the notorious ardor between Henri II and Diane de Poitiers. The hidden sanctuary of a Parisian manor reveals a dignified library and a harmonious blend of antique and contemporary fabrics and sculptures. A grand salon with Versailles parquet is illuminated by a Louis XVI crystal and amethyst chandelier. Meticulously planned gardens beckon contemplation and dining tables replete with crystal and silver are a visual feast. From the architecture, garden designs, furniture, textiles, and art collections, these exclusive private homes are a rich source of interior design inspiration.
Paparazzi! Photographers, Stars, Artists Paparazzi! Photographers, Stars, Artists
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2014 Страниц: 320 Дата загрузки: 20 октрября 2017
   In 1960, Fellini invented the now infamous paparazzi character in La Dolce Vita. The professions image has since alternated between that of a parasite and an indispensible marketing tool in the lucrative business of celebrity branding that has become a mainstay of popular culture. The most scandalous and memorable photographs of the stars that feed the media machine from Jackie O to Britney Spears, from Lady Di to Kate Moss, and from Jack Nicholson to Michael Jackson are included, along with an assessment of the glamour and perils of life in the spotlight. Four leading paparazzi explain the risks of their profession, the factors that impact market value of celebrity snaps, and the tricks employed by both sides — from terrifying car chases to staged publicity stunts that maximize a stars visibility. The place of the paparazzi in contemporary art is also covered, either in iconic images themselves, or as inspiration for artists such as Richard Avedon, Cindy Sherman, Terry Richardson, Gerhard Richter, Sophie Calle, Andy Warhol, and Weegee.
Jacques Grange Interiors Jacques Grange Interiors
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2009 Страниц: 268 Дата загрузки: 23 декабря 2011
   This work offers an all-access pass inside the luxurious homes created by this master interior designer. Combining good taste and audacity is a subtle art — tantamount to French style — that interior designer Jacques Grange has perfected for over four decades. As a young man working for design legends Henri Samuel and then Didier Aaron, his talent was soon recognized by the likes of the Vicomtesse de Noailles, Madeleine Castaing, and the Rothschilds. Since then, the prestigious commissions he has received in Paris, London, Venice, Marrakesh, and New York — most recently the Mark Hotel on Madison Avenue — have firmly placed him on the map of the decorative arts world on both sides of the Atlantic. Yet, paradoxically, Grange is known for being able to disappear behind his designs. This is because he believes an interior decor should serve as a self-portrait of the occupant and not the designer. In this impressive catalog of Grange's creations, Oriental and North African influences blend with Western styles, from rococo opulence to modern chic, to create a broad spectrum of visual effects. Contemporary works of art by, for example, the Lalannes or Yue Minjun are given pride of place according to Grange's undeniable flair and collectors eye. But, remarkably, Grange is not afraid to strip everything away, and to make space itself the main focus of a room. Always balancing virtuoso flourishes with tasteful understatement, Grange's touch is unique.
Marc Riboud: 60 Years of Photography Marc Riboud: 60 Years of Photography
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2014 Страниц: 200 Дата загрузки: 25 июня 2016
   The official monograph of Marc Riboud's photography, created in collaboration witht he photographer, has been augmented with twenty-five additional images. Marc Riboud traveled the world recording the harmony of landscapes and the beauty in faces from Angkor to Istanbul, India to Bangladesh, and New York to China. From a painter poised like a dancer on the metal girders of the Eiffel Tower to a young woman bravely facing down a rank of riflemen in protest against the Vietnam War, Riboud's photographs reveal his deep insight into humanity, his compassion for the human struggle, and an insatiable desire to understand the plights, triumphs, and daily life of others. While many of his photographs depict the anguish of war, others catch the evanescent delight of a swim in a sun-dappled river or children learning to whistle in a Shanghai street. An exhibition of Riboud's photography will open at New York's Rubin Museum on October 17, 2014.
Gustave Dore (1832-1883): Master of Imagination Gustave Dore (1832-1883): Master of Imagination
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2014 Страниц: 336 Дата загрузки: 19 февраля 2016
   The diverse oeuvre of Gustave Dore — illustrations, paintings, sculpture — combines with biography and critical essays and attests to the artist's enduring impact on contemporary culture. Proclaimed the most illustrious of illustrators, Gustave Dore is best known for his engravings, which appeared in editions of the Bible, Dante's Inferno, Poe's The Raven, The Adventures of Don Quixote, and even in Hollywood, from King Kong to Seven. Yet the extent of his genius remains largely unknown. Here, along with his renowned illustrations, his paintings and sculptures are also examined, bringing to light the rich diversity of his talent. Using watercolor, vivid oil paint, or sculpture, he demonstrated mastery in a vast scope of media, and in treatments ranging from monumental historical tableaux to landscapes to modest compositions. His work transcended techniques and eras, covering an inexhaustible range of subjects from Europe to the United States to Russia and revealing his insatiable curiosity. This comprehensive monograph accompanies an exhibition at the Musee d'Orsay in Paris from February 18-May 11 and at the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa from June 12-September 14, 2014.
Brassai: Paris Brassai: Paris
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2014 Страниц: 256 Дата загрузки: 28 марта 2017
   This striking monograph celebrates the beauty of Paris, Brassai's muse throughout his career. Hungarian-born photographer Brassai dedicated more than fifty years of his artistic creation to capturing his adoptive city in all its facets. From winsome children playing in the public gardens to an amorous couple on an amusement park attraction, from opera and ballet stars to prostitutes and vagrants, and from cobblestone alleyways to ephemeral graffiti, his photographs embody the very essence of Paris. In an interview shortly before his death in 1984, he explained how Paris had served as an infinite source of inspiration and had reigned as the unifying theme that characterized each phrase of his artistic work.
Cinq nouvelles sur la cruaute ordinaire Cinq nouvelles sur la cruaute ordinaire
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2014 Страниц: 126 Дата загрузки: 19 апреля 2018
   Un retraité décroche son fusil lorsqu'il entend un intrus. Un rebelle surveille une plage, prêt à tirer «sur tout ce qui bouge». Un dandy impose à son majordome ses dangereux caprices. Un jeune de banlieue assiste sans broncher à un acte de torture. Deux adolescentes se lancent dans une «ronde» aussi violente que tragique... Les personnages de ces récits infligent ou subissent la cruauté ordinaire. Cruauté d'individus tyranniques ou inconscients. Cruauté d'une société inégalitaire qui engendre la violence. Cruauté du destin, qui transforme des personnes ordinaires en victimes et en bourreaux. En explorant la tragédie quotidienne du fait divers, les cinq auteurs de ces nouvelles interrogent la banalité du mal.
The Best of Doisneau: Paris The Best of Doisneau: Paris
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2014 Страниц: 194 Дата загрузки: 03 августа 2016
   The legendary photographer's quintessential portraits of Paris — including several previously unpublished works — in an affordable new paperback. Robert Doisneau's ability to infuse images of daily life with poetic nuance has given enduring popular appeal to his work. In this new volume, he leads us on an entrancing tour into Parisian gardens, along the Seine, and through crowds of Parisians. Workers, beggars, lovers, jugglers, children, dancers — Doisneau's lens captures all, in myriad lights and moods. Sometimes humorous, often ironic, and unfailingly tender, his oeuvre is iconic and reflects the Paris of our dreams. Composed, structured images are featured alongside impromptu snapshots of Parisian life, demonstrating the range of Doisneau's talent as both artist and photojournalist.
A Home in Paris: Interiors, Inspiration A Home in Paris: Interiors, Inspiration
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2014 Страниц: 216 Дата загрузки: 27 августа 2016
   The notion of Parisian charm is ubiquitous, and the magic of the city's interior design is the gold standard. The quintessential Parisian home typically characterized as a top floor apartment in a Haussmannian building is inimitably chic with the most tasteful of details. And yet Guillaume de Laubier takes us behind closed doors inside the homes of the most respected designers and artists in the city, to discover the rich diversity of Parisian style. These interiors are rife with inspiration: from the radically kitsch design philosophy of Pierre & Gilles, to the powder-hued romanticism chez Vanessa Bruno, from the retro haven of Jean-Bernard Hebey's design temple, to Pierre Yovanovitch's contemporary chic apartment, and from Jacques Garcia's subtly reworked Empire interior, to Jacques Granges harmonious blend of period pieces in Colette's former apartment overlooking the Palais-Royal gardens. This book draws back the curtain on the world of Parisian interiors, and Guillaume de Laubier's photographs capture sleek Scandinavian lines, traditionalist opulence, modernist curves, and exotic accents, documenting each unique interior aesthetic with flair.


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