
Vingt-quatre heures d'une femme sensible Vingt-quatre heures d'une femme sensible
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2013 Страниц: 160 Дата загрузки: 26 декабря 2015
   46 lettres sont adressées à un jeune homme. C'est le témoignage d'une femme amoureuse qui confesse ses sentiments. Touchée par la jalousie, elle tentera même le suicide. Confrontée à l'image obsédante de son amant disparaissant dans la calèche d'une autre beauté au sortir de l'opéra, notre héroïne tente de comprendre et de calmer les milles émotions qui l'assaillent. Au cours d'une nuit d'insomnie et d'une journée perdue à guetter un signe de celui qui -semble-t-il vient de la trahir, elle ne trouve d'autre consolation que de lui écrire. Quarante-quatre lettres pour dire vingt-quatre heures de fièvres, de doutes et de désespoir. Cet unique roman de Constance de Salm bouleversera tous les admirateurs de Stefan Zweig, de Marcelle Sauvageot, ou des Lettres d'amour de la portugaise, interprétées par la même Eveline Legrand chez Autrement dit. Poétesse et dramaturge, elle défendit ardemment la cause féminine et tint un brillant salon littéraire, ou se côtoyèrent Alexandre Dumas fils, Stendhal et tant d'autres grands talents.
La Mouette La Mouette
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2008 Страниц: 156 Дата загрузки: 21 июля 2009
   Tchekhov est un écrivain russe, auteur de récits, de contes et de pièces de théâtre, reconnu comme l'un des plus grands écrivains de la littérature mondiale. Tchekhov a créé quatre oeuvres, qui sont devenus des classiques mondiale de la dramaturgie, et de ses meilleures histoires très appréciée des écrivains et des critiques. En 1895-1896 années a été écrit la pièce «la Mouette», et publiée pour la première fois en 12 chambre en 1896 année, le journal «la pensée Russe». Débute le même ballet de «la Mouette» a eu lieu le 17 octobre 1896, sur la scène de saint-pétersbourg de théâtre Alexandrinsky. Cependant, cette première n'a pas eu de succès. En 1896, après l'échec de «la Mouette», de Tchekhov, qui déjà à ce moment-là, plusieurs pièces de théâtre, le reniement de théâtre. Cependant, en 1898, mise en scène de «la Mouette» de Moscou Artistique du Théâtre a eu un énorme succès auprès du public et de la critique qui a incité d'Anton Tchekhov à la création de plus de trois chefs — d'œuvre-jeux de la «Oncle Vania», «les Trois soeurs» et «la cerisaie». Peut-être pas l'une des pièces de Tchekhov n'est pas suscité autant de controverse que chez les contemporains de l'écrivain, et plus tard, des chercheurs de sa créativité. Ce n'est pas un hasard, car c'est avec «la mouette appelée» associent la formation de Tchekhov-dramaturge, son innovation dans ce domaine de la littérature.
Comment on se marie Comment on se marie
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2008 Страниц: 86 Дата загрузки: 11 октрября 2011
   Comment on se marie regroupe quatre courts récits d'Émile Zola, qui relèvent de l'étude de mœurs. Quatre mariages, quatre milieux sociaux différents et un seul regard. Si, chez les bourgeois, le mariage est une transaction financière, chez d'autres l'amour est possible. L'auteur montre les différences de modes de vie pour mieux laisser apprécier l'absolue similarité des rapports conjugaux, et l'inexorable défaite du mariage tel que le XIXe siècle l'imposait aux hommes et aux femmes.
Cooking with Chocolate Cooking with Chocolate
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2012 Страниц: 416 Дата загрузки: 08 марта 2015
   This comprehensive, practical, and heavily illustrated reference offers the essential building blocks and recipes for working with chocolate in the home kitchen. This cooking school in book form opens with 100 fundamental step-by-step techniques: chocolate basics (tempering, ganaches, pralines), candy fillings, decorations, doughs, creams and mousses, ice cream and sorbet, sauces, and bakers secrets (marbling, faultless cake, crusts, beating egg whites). Each method is explained in text and photographs; fourteen are further clarified on the accompanying ninety-minute DVD. Organized into nine sections, more than 100 recipes are then simplified for the home cook: Classics (Black Forest cake, Sachertorte, profiteroles, molten chocolate cake), Tarts (chocolate-pear, nut-caramel), Snacks (macaroons, waffles, brownies, choco-ginger churros), Frozen Desserts, Special Occasions (dark chocolate fondue, hazelnut-praline Yule log), and Candy (truffles, lollipops, coconut bars). Each recipe is graded with a three-star rating so the home chef can gauge its complexity and gradually expand their baking abilities through experience. Cross references to techniques, DVD footage, glossary terms, and complementary recipes make navigation easy. The volume includes practical resources: visual dictionaries of kitchen equipment and common ingredients; tips for conserving chocolate; a guide to dark, milk, and white chocolate and the importance of cocoa content; and a detailed index.
French Interiors: The Art of Elegance French Interiors: The Art of Elegance
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2009 Страниц: 256 Дата загрузки: 26 мая 2012
   Featuring Frances most sumptuous interiors, including the private havens of the worlds leading designers, this book is a tribute to the refinement of French taste and savoir faire. Christiane de Nicolay-Mazery, furniture and antiques specialist for Christies of Paris, invites us into the heady luxur y of various distinguished French residences. Classic hôtels par ticuliers, Colettes fo rmer apar tment overlooking the Palais Royal, a stately residence in the Faubourg Saint-Germain, even a traditional Russian-style log house feature among the interiors that will inspire readers. Most of these private residences are home to the worlds leading designers including the late Yves Saint Laurent, Huber t de Givenchy, Jacques Grange, and the late Madeleine Castaing. Persian carpets mingle with contemporary art and lush velvet armchairs combine with delicate hand-painted tableware in these extraordinary and diverse interiors.
Nineteenth Century French Art Nineteenth Century French Art
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2008 Страниц: 464 Дата загрузки: 26 марта 2011
   Almost twenty years after the creation of the Musee d’Orsay, the 19th century seems more than ever to be the “Golden Age” of French art. It boasts names such as Ingres and Delacroix, Manet and Puvis de Chavannes, Gustave Eiffel and Charles Garnier. French art became a universally accepted benchmark, spreading the discoveries of Impressionism, the Haussmann models, and the daring of art nouveau far beyond its borders, and receiving in return, in the form of the countless artists who flocked to its hub, numerous influences from abroad. Other key movements associated with the19th century include Romanticism; Neo-Classicism, “orientalism” and japonisme; Realism; the Barbizon School and plein-air painting; Neo-Impression, Cloissonism, and the Nabis; and Symbolism.This complete, chronological history is illustrated by more than 400 illustrations and covers painting, sculpture, and architecture, as well as the advent of photography, its impact on painting, and its emergence as an art form of its own.
Pierre Gagnaire: 175 Home Recipes with a Twist Pierre Gagnaire: 175 Home Recipes with a Twist
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2012 Страниц: 248 Дата загрузки: 16 февраля 2014
   Celebrated French chef Pierre Gagnaire, described by Ruth Reichl in The New York Times as The Wizard of Paris, offers 175 classic and yet innovative recipes for everyday and special occasions, from lazy brunches to midnight feasts. Pierre Gagnaire is one of Frances most creative chefs, revered for pushing the boundaries of taste and texture. While he has published several books on food-related subjects, this is his first book of recipes written for the home chef. Organized into four chapters covering mealtimes and entertaining, Gagnaire transforms old favorites by adding a twist of originality via unique flavor combinations or the addition of an unexpected ingredient. Breakfast includes French Toast and Lemon-Rhubarb Marmalade and drinks such as Orange-Cardamom Coffee and Sparkling Melon-Strawberry juice. Lunch options include Shitaki-Gorgonzala Ciabatta or Zucchini Pesto, and dinner ranges from Lamb with Potatoes and Prunes or Grilled Line-Caught Bass. Desserts feature Chocolate Tart or Raspberries with Parmesan, and his cocktail party ideas include recipes for drinks and snacks, such as Bell Pepper Cocktail and Pear with Roquefort and Walnuts on Endive Leaves. The photographs bring into focus the fresh ingredients used in the recipes, with artistic close-up portraits. The creative recipes of this master chef will expand the repertoire of the home cooknovice or accomplishedand provide a fresh new home dining experience.
Provence Style: The Art of Home Decoration Provence Style: The Art of Home Decoration
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2012 Страниц: 188 Дата загрузки: 27 октрября 2015
   Provencal houses are true homes. Warm shades of ochre glow from the walls and roofs, weathered floors shine, and reflections dance off glazed ceramics hitting cotton tablecloths. The region of Provence has always produced the right materials for building, painting, furnishing and decorating its homes, and for over two thousand years, local artists have worked to create the authentic Provencal style which reflects their unique way of life. This colorful book explores the world of the local craftsmen and decorators, pinpointing the essential characteristics of any authentic Provencal house. From the building of the first wall to the wood finishes, from garden furniture to weather-worn shutters, kitchen tiles to roofing material, and from the bed linens down to the most subtle choice of kitchenware, this book addresses and illustrates every aesthetic detail and how they can be blended together to make up the characteristic result. Also provided is an extensive address book providing useful sources both in Provence and internationally. With this and its feast of glorious photographs, Provence Style will serve as inspiration for designers and Provence-lovers alike.
Le comte de Monte-Cristo Le comte de Monte-Cristo
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2009 Страниц: 419 Дата загрузки: 16 мая 2012
   «Le comte de Monte-Cristo» — roman historique, l'intrigue qui почерпнут de police de chroniques et de fascination n'est pas inférieure à un bon détective. Fidèle quelqu'un de les amis de Edmond Dantès se trouve dans le château d'If. Là, il rencontre un moine italien Faria, qui contribue à lui révéler les raisons de l'emprisonnement et parle de ses trésors cachés sur l'île de Montecristo. Treize ans Dantès l'éclosion d'un plan de vengeance. Après l'évasion, раздобыв trésors et en prenant le nom de comte de Monte-Cristo, il revient à Marseille. En prenant le rôle de l'ange de la vengeance, le comte trouve ses anciens amis et détermine le degré de culpabilité de chacun d'eux...
Notre-Dame de Paris Notre-Dame de Paris
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2009 Страниц: 738 Дата загрузки: 23 октрября 2012
   C'est une pré-1923 reproduction historique qui était curated pour la qualité. L'assurance de la qualité a été accomplie sur chacun de ces livres dans un essai d'enlever des livres avec les imperfections présentées par le processus de digitalisation. Bien que nous ayons fait les meilleurs efforts — les livres peuvent avoir des erreurs occasionnelles qui n'entravent pas l'expérience de lecture. Nous croyons que ce travail est culturellement important et a choisi de rapporter le livre dans les caractères comme faisant partie de notre engagement continu à la préservation de travaux imprimés dans le monde entier. Ce texte fait allusion à l'édition Bibliobazaar.
La princesse de Clèves La princesse de Clèves
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2013 Страниц: 224 Дата загрузки: 12 сентября 2018
   L'action se déroule au XVIE siècle à la cour du roi de france Henri II. Le triangle amoureux inclut le prince de Clèves, sa jeune femme et de son amant, le duc de Nemours.
Talk About Design Talk About Design
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2010 Страниц: 256 Дата загрузки: 27 апреля 2014
   This comprehensive work demystifies the concepts behind contemporary design, fascinating readers with its accessible text and striking photographs, and covers everything from the iPod to the humble razor. This irresistible guide breaks down the seemingly complex field of contemporary design into nine highly readable and engaging chapters that cover the styles, products, and personalities that have influenced and defined the design trends of today. Starting with the basics in What is design? and defining the leading trends of each decade since the 1920s, introducing thirty influential designers and their signature innovations, identifying different styles so that readers can explore their personal affinities, and including a glossary of design-related terms and jargon, this handbook imparts the essential information necessary to develop a well-rounded understanding of contemporary design. In an engaging and highly-readable journalistic style, the author demonstrates how thoroughly design pervades the world around us and improves the quality of daily life, from the growth of brands and logos such as Campbell's Soup and McDonald's to the more subtle design features in everyday objects such as Tupperware, the Bic(TM) pen, and the desk chair. The glossy, colorful format with lustrous photos that capture the glamour, boldness, and humor prevalent in design, renders this work a must-have guide to design.
Alberto Giacometti: A Biography of His Work Alberto Giacometti: A Biography of His Work
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2012 Страниц: 576 Дата загрузки: 14 марта 2015
   Newly revised, this affordable, richly illustrated compact edition is the most definitive biographical study on the multifaceted artist and his oeuvre.Written by an internationally renowned scholar and personal friend of the artist, this new edition, revised with the Giacometti Foundation in Paris, is both an erudite and intimate study that features exclusive archival material and first hand accounts of the artist at work.
Beyond The Bread Basket Beyond The Bread Basket
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2013 Страниц: 160 Дата загрузки: 26 декабря 2015
   Renowned baker Éric Kayser invites you into his kitchen in Beyond the Bread Basket, and shares his secrets for how bread can be transformed in dozens of creative ways to accent each course of the meal. In this follow-up to his Sweet and Savoury Tarts, which was awarded Cookbook of the Month in Germany by Focus, Kayser offers sixty delicious and easy-toprepare recipes.
Parisian Chic Parisian Chic
Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2011 Страниц: 240 Дата загрузки: 23 февраля 2013
   Celebrity model Ines de La Fressange shares the well-kept secrets of how Parisian women maintain effortless glamour and timeless allure. Ines de La FressangeFrances icon of chic shares her personal tips for living with style and charm, gleaned from decades in the fashion industry. She offers specific pointers on how to dress like a Parisian, including how to mix affordable basics with high-fashion touches, and how to accessorize. Her step-by-step dos and donts are accompanied by fashion photography, and the book is personalized with her charming drawings. Ines also shares how to bring Parisian chic into your home, and how to insert your signature style into any spaceeven the office. The ultrachic red volume is flexi-bound with a wrapper band and features offset aquarelle paper. Complete with her favorite addresses for finding the ultimate fashion and decorating items, this is a musthave for any woman who wants to add a touch of Paris to her own style.
Parisiennes: A Celebration of French Women Parisiennes: A Celebration of French Women
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2011 Страниц: 240 Дата загрузки: 23 февраля 2013
   Divided by theme into chapters, this light-hearted and nostalgic romp through 20th-century Paris creates a beautiful history of the world’s most romantic city and its exceptional women. This collection of one hundred and thirty duotone photographs captures the essence of the Parisian femme fatale. All of the great French photographers from the late 1930s through the 1960s are featured, including Robert Doisneau, Brassaï, Willy Ronis, Jacques-Henri Lartigue, Edouard Boubat, Jean-Philippe Charbonnier, Sabine Weiss, and many more. The photographs reveal Parisian women and all of their glorious facets: from the love-struck waif strolling along the banks of the Seine to the belles of the neighborhood balls flushed from their raucous dance moves, from no-nonsense career girls to flirty neighbors. Chanel-clad locals and runway models alike showcase the glamour of the fashion and haute-couture world with inimitable style. One chapter pays homage to the courageous women who battled for justice in World War II, the Resistance, the Liberation, and the revolts of May 1968, including role models such as philosopher and writer Simone de Beauvoir and journalist and playwright Marguerite Dumas. The Parisiennes featured here go to work, ride bikes, pose seductively, smile coyly, and are all devastatingly irresistible.
Le songe d'une nuit d'ete: Les joyeuses commeres de Windsor. Le soir des rois Le songe d'une nuit d'ete: Les joyeuses commeres de Windsor. Le soir des rois
Автор: Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 1994 Страниц: 303 Дата загрузки: 14 марта 2009
   Je sais un banc où s'épanouit le thym sauvage, où poussent l'oreille-d'ours et la violette branlante. Il est couvert par un dais de chèvrefeuilles vivaces, de suaves roses musquées et d'églantiers. C'est là que dort Titania, à certain moment de la nuit, bercée dans ces fleurs par les danses et les délices; c'est là que la couleuvre étend sa peau émaillée, vêtement assez large pour couvrir une fée. Alors je teindrai ses yeux avec le suc de cette fleur, et je l'obséderai d'odieuses fantaisies. Prends aussi de ce suc, et cherche dans le hallier. Une charmante dame d'Athènes est amoureuse d'un jeune dédaigneux: mouille les yeux de celui-ci, mais veille à ce que le premier être qu'il apercevra soit cette dame. Tu reconnaîtras l'homme à son costume athénien. Fais cela avec soin, de manière qu'il devienne plus épris d'elle qu'elle n'est éprise de lui. Et viens me rejoindre sans faute avant le premier chant du coq. Obéron Le Songe d'une nuit d'été.
Axel Vervoordt: Living with Light Axel Vervoordt: Living with Light
Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2013 Страниц: 264 Дата загрузки: 19 апреля 2017
   The art of harmonious living is extolled in this volume through twenty bespoke interiors designed by the Axel Vervoordt Company. Each room incorporates natural light as an essential component of design, along with other elementswater, metal, woodblended with a modern aesthetic and punctuated with fine art. The Vervoordt concept of the home is revealed through a refined balance between art and nature to create timeless living spaces. The range of featured properties includes homes by the sea, as well as in urban and rural locations, demonstrating a breadth of styles possible within the essential Vervoordt design principles. Photography by Laziz Hamani brings into focus both the unique design details and the carefullyconstructed interiors that fuse to create each striking setting. These exceptional residences are rich with inspirational ideas to incorporate into your own home so that you can celebrate your living space in the singular Vervoordt style.
Cats: The Most Beautiful Cats Cats: The Most Beautiful Cats
Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2011 Страниц: 192 Дата загрузки: 15 июня 2013
   Cats is a celebration of the beloved feline and its place within our cultural history, from ancient times to classic stories such as Puss in Boots. Mummified by the Egyptians and domesticated by the Romans, the cat is one of man's most magnificent companions. The first volume of this adorable gift set covers the history of the cat from ancient Egyptian civilization to the present, cat-related myths and superstitions in different cultures, and the emergence of the most common breeds today. It includes a practical section, with tips for selecting the right cat and welcoming it into your home, as well as guidelines for feeding, grooming, and training. The second volume presents forty-one cat breeds and some of their variants including Persian, Exotic Shorthair, Abyssinian, York Chocolate, Turkish Angora, Ragdoll, American Curl, Snowshoe, Bombay, Selkirk Rex, Somali, and Burmese. This gift set is rich in photographs and completed by a glossary, a list of useful addresses, and a bibliography. A purr-fect gift.
Entertaining in Grand Style Entertaining in Grand Style
Жанр: Flammarion Издательство: Flammarion Год: 2013 Страниц: 192 Дата загрузки: 16 мая 2016
   James Viaene began his culinary career in the midst of a postwar cultural revival of sumptuous dinners, balls, and galas. He started in some of Pariss greatest restaurants and later was hired at the Parisian residence of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. He then trained under a series of renowned cooks, and became a chef in his own right in the kitchens of eminent public figures such as Georges Wildenstein, Jean de Souza-Lage, and Michel David-Weill, who demanded extremely high standards. In 1970, Viaene entered the British Ambassadors residence in Paris, a unique locale where the chef plays a central role. The historic home, where he carried out the rest of his forty-year career, provided an idyllic setting for serving his best-loved recipes. In this richly illustrated volume, James Viaene recounts his memories, amusing anecdotes, and twenty-four of his favorite recipes from throughout his reign in the prestigious kitchen. From the famous Beef Wellington served to Queen Elizabeth II, to typically English tea, and the pot-au-feu inspired by his childhood memories, each dish is enhanced by the Residences legendary silver service, one of the treasures of the British Embassy in France.



