Dian Hanson

The New Erotic Photography Vol: 2 The New Erotic Photography Vol: 2
Автор: Жанр: Taschen Издательство: Taschen Год: 2012 Страниц: 426 Дата загрузки: 14 июля 2013
   Несомненный успех первого издания стал причиной появления второго сборника эротических фотографий. И это не просто снимки, на которых запечатлено обнаженное тело, это полноценные картины, в которых авторы пытаются постичь секреты женской притягательности. К работе над книгой были привлечены пятьдесят известных фотографов, при этом кадры пятнадцати из них уже появлялись в предыдущем сборнике. Таланты из Германии и Швейцарии, Бельгии и Японии, России и США, Чехии и Италии представили свои снимки на суд читателя. Каждое фото – законченная композиция, в центре которой красота женского тела. Каждый мастер привнес свое видение эстетики обнаженного силуэта, уникальный стиль и принципы работы с кадром. Здесь и откровенно вызывающие снимки от Кимберли Кейн, и свободная женственность от Яна Хронски, и провокационные кадры от Джо Шваба, Андрея Пашиса, Фредерика Фонтенуа, Эрики Симон и других. Эротический портрет современной женщины предстает во всей своей соблазнительной откровенности, сохраняя легкую ауру таинственности. Наряду с цифровой фотографией в книге представлены работы авторов, которые экспериментируют с пленкой, достигая необычных эффектов. Любители жанра Ню смогут получить удовольствие от четырехсот высококачественных полноформатных снимков.
The Big Book of Legs The Big Book of Legs
Автор: Жанр: Taschen Издательство: Taschen Страниц: 373 Дата загрузки: 14 июля 2009
   The female leg is an erotic oddity: non-genital, and nearly identical in structure to the male limb, there is no obvious reason why it should be eroticized. Yet through much of history, across many cultures, the female leg was kept covered and treated as taboo, until it became an object of sexual obsession. In Victorian times, the word 'leg' was forbidden in polite society, lest gentlemen be driven wild with lust. Even now, 80 years after women's legs finally came out of hiding, their allure remains mysterious and powerful. The third in Dian Hanson's wildly successful series on erotic body parts explores how the female leg became central to women's emacipation, from the French Revolution to the sexual revolution. Over 400 photos document the first burlesque shows of the 1800s, the silk-stockinged flappers of the 20s, the nylon-mania of the 40s, the dawn of the stiletto in the 50s, and the golden age of leg magazines in the 60s. Who wore the first high heels, how did nylons become a weapon of war, why were Betty Grable's the «million dollar legs,» where did Elmer Batters get his start, and just what is the deal with feet? The answers are all here, along with vintage photos by Irving Klaw, Peter Gowland, Bunny Yeager, Batters, and other great masters of leg art.
Dian Hanson's: The History of Men's Magazines: Volume 3: 1960's at the Newsstand Dian Hanson's: The History of Men's Magazines: Volume 3: 1960's at the Newsstand
Автор: Жанр: Taschen Издательство: Taschen Год: 2005 Страниц: 460 Дата загрузки: 20 октрября 2008
   The definitive annotated and illustrated history of girlie periodicals (1960's part 1). Open your notebooks, sharpen your pencils, and get ready for a history lesson like none you've ever experienced. You're about to learn everything you could ever want to know about the world history of men's magazines — not magazines about sports, not fashion, not hunting or fishing or how to build a birdhouse in ten easy steps, but those titillating periodicals embracing the subject dearest to all heterosexual men's hearts and other body parts: the undraped female form. Former men's magazine editor Dian Hanson traces its development from 1900 to 1980 in six massive and informative volumes. For Volume 3 author/editor Dian Hanson searched the world for the mass-market men's magazines of the 1960's. With the international economy on the upswing and censorship in a losing battle with lust the sixties were a time of great political, social and moral change. Suddenly hundreds of men's magazine titles were right out in public, openly sold on newsstands all over the world. Volume 3 begins with an explosion of new American men's magazines following the redefinition of US obscenity laws in the late fifties. We examine the enormous impact of Playboy, not only on American titles, but on magazines worldwide. This is the decade when France finally declines as a great force in magazine production; England starts to show her pervy side; Argentina embraces burlesque; and Germany once again blends political activism with nudity. By 1965 even Australia has a booming men's magazine industry. The volume ends with a look at those great back-of-the-magazine ads for party pills and the first inflatable «dates». The History of Men's Magazines, Volume 3 contains over 400 full color pages of vintage covers and interiors and a well-researched text profiling quirky publishers and artists, individual magazines, and the place of it all in the Swinging Sixties culture. This hardcover volume is a fascinating instant collectable all on its own, and a must have to complete the six volume set of Dian Hanson's: The History of Men's Magazines.




