Oxford First Dictionary: 2011
Автор: Oxford Dictionaries Жанр: Oxford University Press Издательство: Oxford University Press Год: 2011 Страниц: 128 Дата загрузки: 21 августа 20132012-06-21
This major new edition of the Oxford First Dictionary has been designed to inspire an early love of words. Specially written to be perfectly accessible to first readers, with inspiring modern 3D images on every spread. Children will find it fun to explore and easy to find the words they need fast!
Britain for Learners of English
Автор: O'Driscoll James Жанр: Oxford University Press Издательство: Oxford University Press Год: 2009 Страниц: 224 Дата загрузки: 10 декабря 20112012-02-29
This book provides all the information a student of Britain and British culture needs to know. What's it like living in Britain today? Find out about the country and its people in this new edition of Britain. All the information is completely up-to-date and illustrated with new colour photographs. • Understand the attitudes and beliefs that shape Britain's character. • Discover the history and cultural background to British society and institutions such as the NHS and the BBC. • Find out about people's daily lives from charts, graphs, and extracts from popular fiction and newspapers. • Use the questions at the end of each chapter to consider what you have read and to make comparisons with your own culture. • NEW Workbook Pack with activities that make you consider cultural issues you have read about and test your knowledge of the content of the book. • NEW website at www.oup.com/elt/britain, regularly updated with new information and useful links. Suitable for Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, and Advanced students.
Happy House 2: Activity Book (+ CD-ROM)
Автор: Maidment Stella Жанр: Oxford University Press Издательство: Oxford University Press Год: 2009 Страниц: 72 Дата загрузки: 20 декабря 20112012-04-17
A new edition of the best-selling, story-based course for children starting English at the beginning of the school system. Happy House introduces children to English through the adventures of a lively family with their three children, their cat, Otto, and the mouse characters who live under the floor. The Activity Book contains: • One page of practice activities per Class Book lesson. • Take-home English: activities to involve parents in children's learning. • A MultiROM, with interactive language games, songs and stories.
Happy House 1: Class Book
Автор: Maidment Stella Жанр: Oxford University Press Издательство: Oxford University Press Год: 2009 Страниц: 72 Дата загрузки: 20 декабря 20112012-04-17
A new edition of the best-selling, story-based course for children starting English at the beginning of the school system. Happy House introduces children to English through the adventures of a lively family with their three children, their cat, Otto, and two mice. Spike and Ruby, who live under the floor. For the pupil: • Class Book, with new cross-curricular and culture pages and motivating Take-home English projects. • Activity Book, with stickers for children to keep a record of their learning, cut-outs and a MultiROM, with games, songs and stories. For the teacher: • Teacher's Book. • Class AudioCDs, with karaoke songs. • Happy House iTools: digital classroom resources, DVD clips, make-your-own worksheets and much more. • Teacher's Resource Pack containing puppets, 40 storycards, masks, a poster, flashcards, Teacher's Resource Book and Evaluation Book.
New Headway: Beginner. Student's Book
Автор: Soars Liz Жанр: Oxford University Press Издательство: Oxford University Press Год: 2010 Страниц: 144 Дата загрузки: 21 октрября 20132012-05-12
A totally new edition of the world's most-trusted English course. Tried and tested all over the world, Headway is the course that teachers and learners rely on. Headway works in the classroom: — A realistic, well-supported syllabus. — A measured step-by-step approach. — Careful recycling at every opportunity. — Headway teaches real language in real contexts. — A solid foundation of grammar and skills work. — Useful vocabulary and collocations. — Everyday language in everyday situations. Headway offers full support: — Resources for students in the Workbook, on the Student's Workbook AudioCD, and on the Students' Website at www.oup.com/elt/headway. — Resources for teachers in the Teacher's Book with printable, adaptable resources on the Teacher's Resource Disc, and on the Teachers' Website at www.oup.com/elt/teacher/headway. John and Liz Soars and Headway are names that have become synonymous with English language teaching and learning worldwide. Their strong pedagogic principles, their extensive teaching and teacher-training experience, together with 20 years of writing Headway, all come together in this impressive third edition.
First Friends 1: Numbers Book
Автор: Moir Naomi Жанр: Oxford University Press Издательство: Oxford University Press Год: 2009 Страниц: 63 Дата загрузки: 28 марта 20122013-03-26
First Friends is a two-year beginner's course that develops vocabulary, practices phonics, and teaches family values. The Numbers Book provides additional numeracy practice. It combines traditional numbers activities, such as counting and writing numbers, with engaging puzzles, games, and fun activities. By the end of Level 1, children will be able to: • Write the numbers from 1-10. • Count objects to 10. • Carry out simple picture additions and sums. • Group objects to 10. • Identify number sequences. By the end of Level 2, children will be able to: • Write the numbers from 11-20. • Write the words for numbers from 1-20. • Count objects to 20. • Group objects to 20. • Carry out sums. • Identify more complex number sequences. The Numbers Book is a flexible and easy-to-use component of First Friends. Its lessons may be done at the end of each unit or at any time after Lesson 4 of the Class Book, since Lesson 4 always presents the unit's new numbers (see page 7 for the structure of the Class Book). The Numbers Book is also based on the premiss that all children can succeed, and therefore offers easy-to-do activities that can be completed in class or at home. No new vocabulary is presented through the Numbers Book. All counting and number work is done through known vocabulary, with a special emphasis on the vocabulary presented in the corresponding unit of the Class Book. There are complete notes for each Numbers Book activity at the end of the main notes for each unit in the Teacher's Book.
English Zone 1: Student's Book
Автор: Newbold David Жанр: Oxford University Press Издательство: Oxford University Press Год: 2007 Страниц: 96 Дата загрузки: 15 апреля 20112012-08-23
English Zone — A four-level course for every class. English Zone is aimed at students aged 10-14. It provides lessons that are easy to teach and easy to learn. It’s clear approach to language learning helps students build on what they already know and develop their skills with confidence. English Zone has: • Great storylines with lots of lively dialogues. • Simple, clear grammar presentations and plenty of practice. • Interesting Culture Zones with engaging projects. • Fun songs, games and puzzles. • Constant recycling and revision. English Zone 1 consists of: — Student's Book. — Workbook with CD-ROM. — AudioCD with all the Student's Book listening material and songs. — Teacher's Book with photocopiable material. — Flashcards.
Wilf's Shapes
Жанр: Oxford University Press Издательство: Oxford University Press Год: 2009 Страниц: 30 Дата загрузки: 08 марта 20122012-09-10
Read at Home First Skills are fun early learning books, which use your favorite Oxford Reading Tree characters to introduce important first skills to your child. The books are ideal for reading together and sharing. They accompany all your Read at Home storybooks. Wilf's Shapes helps your child to: — learn the names of a variety of 2D and 3D shapes. — recognize properties of these shapes. — consolidate their learning with fun activities and questions.
Phonics Flashcards Alphabet Games: 55 alphabet cards with games
Автор: Ruttle Kate Жанр: Oxford University Press Издательство: Oxford University Press Год: 2011 Дата загрузки: 7 декабря 20132012-12-07
Phonics Flashcards are a fun way for children to practice their letters and sounds, as they do in school. Playing the alphabet games will help children to: — develop memory and concentration skills. — learn to recognize individual letter shapes and sounds. — read simple words. — spell simple words.
A Practical English Grammar
Автор: Thomson A.J. Жанр: Oxford University Press Издательство: Oxford University Press Год: 2010 Страниц: 382 Дата загрузки: 27 августа 20122013-04-29
Thomson and Martinet's classic grammar is the most widely used book of its kind. It is popular because its explanations are clear and because it deals thoroughly with the topics which students find most difficult. It is intended for intermediate and post-intermediate learners, but is also a useful source of reference for more advanced students and for teachers. A Practical English Grammar has now been revised and reissued in a fourth edition. The text has been rewritten in many places to bring it up to date. Some material has been rearranged to make it simpler for the reader to compare related topics. There is fresh or fuller treatment of many subjects, notably in the chapters on nouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliary verbs, the infinitive and the passive. A new index contains many more entries and now includes references to every important structural word. These changes, and an improved design, make A Practical English Grammar more informative and easier to consult than ever. The following titles are recommended for use alongside the Grammar: — A Practical English Grammar: Exercises 1 and 2 (also available in low-priced editions). — A Practical English Grammar: Structure Drills 1 and 2.
Оксфордские тесты по английскому языку для подготовки к Единому Государственному Экзамену
Автор: Harrison Mark Жанр: Oxford University Press Издательство: Oxford University Press Год: 2011 Страниц: 128 Дата загрузки: 21 августа 20132012-06-21
Данное пособие было специально разработано для подготовки учащихся к ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Основную часть пособия представляют пять тестов, составленных в соответствии со спецификацией ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам 2007 года. По содержанию и оформлению они максимально близки к реальному экзамену. К тестам прилагаются дополнительные материалы. — Smart key (Ответы с комментариями): В разделе приводятся не только правильные ответы ко всем заданиям, но и объясняется, почему тот или иной ответ является верным. Преимущество его состоит в том, что вы можете не только проверить свой ответ, но и понять, почему приведенное решение является правильным. — Getting ideas and training tasks (Тренировочные упражнения): Материалы разделов связаны с заданиями по письму и говорению. Эти упражнения помогут вам формулировать и организовывать идеи и планировать ваши ответы. Это позволит вам эффективно использовать время, отведенное на подготовку. Упражнения разработаны таким образом, чтобы вы смогли расширить свой базовый словарный запас по каждой из предложенных тем. — Exam tips (Советы по подготовке к экзамену): Советы сопровождают каждое задание в разделах «Аудирование», «Чтение», «Грамматика и лексика» и «Говорение». Они четко разъясняют задачи, а также дают практические советы по их выполнению. Это поможет добиться на экзамене максимального результата. Материалы пособия одобрены Федеральным институтом педагогических измерений.
Wild Reads: Snakes
Автор: Claire Llewellyn Жанр: Oxford University Press Издательство: Oxford University Press Год: 2009 Страниц: 32 Дата загрузки: 15 июня 20112011-10-13
This fantastic book about snakes covers a wide range of topics. From the emerald tree boa to the orange sand viper, find out how snakes hunt, eat and survive. Did you know for instance that big snakes can eat almost any animal — even crocodiles?! Or learn how to avoid a deadly snake bite in a dessert or a steamy rainforest. For real snake enthusiasts this book also suggests websites and places to visit to find out even more! Other titles in this series: Big Cats, Spiders, Elephants, Bees, Dinosaurs, Wolves, Sharks, Rats, Frogs and Toads, Whales and Crocodiles.
Russia 1855-1991: From Tsars to Commissars
Автор: Peter Oxley Жанр: Oxford University Press Издательство: Oxford University Press Год: 2001 Страниц: 304 Дата загрузки: 16 мая 20092003-05-12
Specially written for the AS/A2 examinations, this book combines extended period cover with detailed focus on exam board-selected topics. The lively, accessible text is supplemented by Spotlights, providing detailed study of sources on key issues and topics and Document Exercises, offering opportunities for assessment and exam practice. Covering almost 150 years of Russian history, from Alexander II, through Glasnost, to the present day, a recurring theme is the drive to modernise. The period 1895-1941 is dealt with in depth, with separate chapters on the Russian Revolution, Lenin and Stalin.
IB Study Guide: Economics for the IB Diploma: Standard and Higher Level: Study Guide
Автор: Constantine Ziogas Жанр: Oxford University Press Издательство: Oxford University Press Год: 2008 Страниц: 160 Дата загрузки: 26 марта 20112010-05-06
This guide provides crisp revision of all syllabus topics with detailed support for constructing, analysing, labelling diagrams to assist with complete understanding. In addition, students will learn how to design, select and use diagrams to explain concepts while answering examination questions. A 'tips' section provides practical suggestions and a complete glossary provides a much needed teacher and student reference. In addition, there are guidelines on examiner recommendations and information on the extended essay and the internally assessed component of the course. Finally there will be exam practice with a selection of past questions including examiner advice.
IB Diploma Programme: Economics Course Companion
Автор: Ian Dorton Жанр: Oxford University Press Издательство: Oxford University Press Год: 2007 Страниц: 400 Дата загрузки: 15 мая 20102009-07-21
This Course Companion has been specifically designed to support the student through the IB Diploma Programme in Economics. It supports the course content and provides students with materials and activities as well as advice and guidance for the portfolio of four commentaries. In addition it provides activities integrated with study and learning approaches, TOK, and the IB learner profile. Examples, features, and case studies drawn from around the world will encourage students to develop an international perspective.
A Dictionary of Proverbs
Автор: Jennifer Speake Жанр: Oxford University Press Издательство: Oxford University Press Год: 2008 Страниц: 400 Дата загрузки: 15 апреля 20122009-06-21
This unique and authoritative dictionary contains over 1,100 of the most widely used proverbs in English and uses research from the Oxford English Corpus, the world's largest language databank. This edition has been revised and fully updated and includes numerous entirely new entries. It also features expanded coverage of foreign language proverbs currently in use in English. With an emphasis on examples of usage, including the earliest written evidence of its use, this A-Z guide provides a thorough — and fascinating — history for every entry. Arranged in A-Z format and with a useful thematic index, A Dictionary of Proverbs is ideal for browsing and perfectly suited for quick reference. Look up your old favourites, learn punchy new expressions to get your point across, and find the answer to that crossword clue. Seeing is believing: find proverbs relevant to every aspect of life in this entertaining and informative collection.
The Oxford History of Britain
Автор: Kenneth O. Morgan Жанр: Oxford University Press Издательство: Oxford University Press Год: 2010 Страниц: 838 Дата загрузки: 11 июля 20112012-10-07
The Oxford History of Britain tells the story of Britain and its people over two thousand years, from the coming of the Roman legions to the present day. Encompassing political, social, economic, and cultural developments throughout the British Isles, the dramatic narrative is taken up in turn by ten leading historians who offer the fruits of the best modern scholarship to the general reader in an authoritative form. A vivid, sometimes surprising picture emerges of a continuous turmoil of change in every period, and the wider social context of political and economic tension is made clear. But consensus, no less than conflict, is a part of the story: in focusing on elements of continuity down the centuries, the authors bring out that special awareness of identity which has been such a distinctive feature of British society. By relating both these factors in the British experience, and by exploring the many ways in which Britain has shaped and been shaped by contact with Europe and the wider world, this landmark work brings the reader face to face with the past, and the foundations of modern British society. The new edition brings the story into the twenty-first century, covering the changes to British society and culture during the Blair years and the invasion of Iraq and its aftermath.
Little Women
Автор: Louisa May Alcott Жанр: Oxford University Press Издательство: Oxford University Press Год: 2008 Страниц: 528 Дата загрузки: 10 декабря 20102009-12-30
Little Women has remained enduringly popular since its publication in 1868, becoming the inspiration for a whole genre of family stories. Set in a small New England community, it tells of the March family: Marmee looks after daughters in the absence of her husband, who is serving as an army chaplain in the Civil War, and Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy experience domestic trials and triumphs as they attempt to supplement the family's small income. In the second part of the novel (sometimes known as Good Wives) the girls grow up and fall in love. The novel is highly autobiographical, and in Jo's character Alcott portrays a strong-minded and independent woman, determined to control her own destiny. The introduction to this edition provides a fascinating history of the Alcotts, and of Louisa Alcott's own struggles as a writer.
Infinity of Things, An: How Sir Henry Wellcome Collected the World
Автор: Frances Larson Жанр: Oxford University Press Издательство: Oxford University Press Год: 2009 Страниц: 368 Дата загрузки: 10 сентября 20142011-07-24
An Infinity of Things tells the story of one of the largest private collections ever created, and the life of the man behind it. Wellcome planned a great museum filled with treasures from all corners of the globe, charting the history of human health from prehistory to the present day. The breadth of his vision was matched only by the depth of his pockets. During the opening decades of the twentieth century he acquired a collection so large that later generations of staff took to describing its contents by the ton. But Wellcome's museum was never finished, and his collection was still stored in vast warehouses when he died, unseen and incomplete. Today, after decades of work by his successors, artefacts from the collection can be seen in museums and libraries throughout the world. Demonstrating what can happen when a collector's aspirations are left unconstrained by wealth, Frances Larson explores Wellcome's life through his possessions, revealing the many tensions in his character: between his talents as a businessman and his desire for scholarly recognition; his curiosity and his perfectionism; and his philanthropic aspirations and his drive for personal glory.
Holocaust: The Nazi Persecution and Murder of the Jews
Автор: Peter Longerich Жанр: Oxford University Press Издательство: Oxford University Press Год: 2010 Страниц: 660 Дата загрузки: 15 декабря 20122011-06-15
A comprehensive history of the Nazi persecution and murder of European Jews, paying detailed attention to an unrivalled range sources. Focusing clearly on the perpetrators and exploring closely the process of decision making, Longerich argues that anti-Semitism was not a mere by-product of the Nazis' political mobilization or an attempt to deflect the attention of the masses, but that anti-Jewish policy was a central tenet of the Nazi movement's attempts to implement, disseminate, and secure National Socialist rule — and one which crucially shaped Nazi policy decisions, from their earliest days in power through to the invasion of the Soviet Union and the Final Solution. As Longerich shows, the 'disappearance' of Jews was designed as a first step towards a racially homogeneous society — first within the 'Reich', later in the whole of a German-dominated Europe.