Nick Arnold

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Painful Poison Painful Poison
Автор: Жанр: Scholastic Издательство: Scholastic Год: 2009 Страниц: 160 Дата загрузки: 26 февраля 2011
   Discover how can you turn your brother into a zombie slave and why you are breathing poison right now. With a fantastic new cover look and extra horrible bits at the back of the book, this best-selling title is sure to be a huge hit with a new generation of «Horrible Science» readers.
Shocking Electricity Shocking Electricity
Автор: Жанр: Scholastic Издательство: Scholastic Год: 2008 Страниц: 176 Дата загрузки: 12 мая 2011
   This is a reissue with 16 pages of extra material, including an index.
Space, Stars and Slimy Aliens Space, Stars and Slimy Aliens
Автор: Жанр: Scholastic Издательство: Scholastic Год: 2008 Страниц: 160 Дата загрузки: 26 марта 2011
   Science with the squishy bits left in! Why does space make the guts explode? Which astronomers killed people? What does the moon smell like? Get the awful answers in Space, Stars and Slimy Aliens!
The Terrible Truth About Time The Terrible Truth About Time
Автор: Жанр: Scholastic Издательство: Scholastic Год: 2009 Страниц: 160 Дата загрузки: 26 февраля 2011
   Find out what happens if you go too close to a black hole and how flies tell the time. With a fantastic new cover look and extra horrible bits at the back of the book, this best-selling title is sure to be a huge hit with a new generation of Horrible Science readers.
Horrible Science Annual: 2012 Horrible Science Annual: 2012
Автор: Жанр: Scholastic Издательство: Scholastic Год: 2011 Страниц: 64 Дата загрузки: 10 октрября 2014
   This title is crammed full of comic strips, features, activities and games. It's the annual with the squishy bits left in.
Wasted World Wasted World
Автор: Жанр: Scholastic Издательство: Scholastic Год: 2009 Страниц: 144 Дата загрузки: 21 октрября 2012
   This is the first «Horrible Science» book to tackle the issues of global warming, and climate change: What are the sickening secrets of gruesome greenhouse gases? Which is the deadliest toxic waste? Will the Earth make it to the year 2100?
Vicious Veg Vicious Veg
Автор: Жанр: Scholastic Издательство: Scholastic Год: 2008 Страниц: 176 Дата загрузки: 12 мая 2011
   This work features science with the squishy bits left in! How do plants suck out the insides of dead insects? Why do stinging nettles like skeletons? Which fungi can make your toes drop off? Get the awful answers in «Vicious Veg»!
Sounds Dreadful Sounds Dreadful
Автор: Жанр: Scholastic Издательство: Scholastic Год: 2008 Страниц: 176 Дата загрузки: 12 мая 2011
   This work features science with the squishy bits left in! How can a single sound shatter glass? Why are farts so noisy? Which sound waves make your guts wobble? Get the awful answers in «Sounds Dreadful»!
Really Rotten Experiments Really Rotten Experiments
Автор: Жанр: Scholastic Издательство: Scholastic Год: 2011 Страниц: 144 Дата загрузки: 21 октрября 2014
   Packed with loud, noisy, wet and soggy experiments that give kids an appetite for scientific discovery, this title lets them find out who invented pong-free underpants, which strange scientists ate tadpoles for tea and discover a revolting recipe for green slime.
Microscopic Monsters Microscopic Monsters
Автор: Жанр: Scholastic Издательство: Scholastic Год: 2008 Страниц: 160 Дата загрузки: 26 марта 2011
   This title presents science with the squishy bits left in! What makes your guts a brilliant home for bacteria? Which creature lays its eggs between your toes? Why is your toothbrush covered in germs? Get the awful answers in «Microscopic Monsters».
Fatal Forces Fatal Forces
Автор: Жанр: Scholastic Издательство: Scholastic Год: 2008 Страниц: 176 Дата загрузки: 12 мая 2011
   This is a reissue with 16 pages of extra material, including an index.
Blood, Bones and Body Bits Blood, Bones and Body Bits
Автор: Жанр: Scholastic Издательство: Scholastic Год: 2008 Страниц: 176 Дата загрузки: 12 мая 2011
   It's science with the squishy bits left in! Where does your food go? What happens when a boil bursts? Which animals live in your eyelashes? Get the awful answers in «Blood, Bones and Body Bits».
Nasty Nature Nasty Nature
Автор: Жанр: Scholastic Издательство: Scholastic Год: 2008 Страниц: 176 Дата загрузки: 12 мая 2011
   It's science with the squishy bits left in! Why do vultures have bald heads? What kind of frog lives in a toilet? How do vampire bats slurp blood? Get the awful answers in Nasty Nature.
Ugly Bugs Ugly Bugs
Автор: Жанр: Scholastic Издательство: Scholastic Год: 2008 Страниц: 144 Дата загрузки: 20 декабря 2010
   It's science with the squishy bits left in! What do slugs do with their slime? Why do flies throw up on your tea? How do insects drink your blood? Get the awful answers in Ugly Bugs.
Body Owner's Handbook Body Owner's Handbook
Автор: Жанр: Scholastic Издательство: Scholastic Год: 2009 Страниц: 176 Дата загрузки: 12 апреля 2013
   This work presents science with the squishy bits left in! How does your auto-repair function work? Where's your top-of-the-range sensory equipment? What's your rear gas and waste disposal? Get the awful answers in «The Body Owner's Handbook»!
Evil Inventions Evil Inventions
Автор: Жанр: Scholastic Издательство: Scholastic Год: 2009 Страниц: 144 Дата загрузки: 21 октрября 2012
   »Horrible Science» is getting a make-over! Readers will discover why someone invented the bottom-stabbing bike saddle and why you would need a toilet snorkel. With a fantastic new cover look and extra horrible bits at the back of the book, this best-selling title is sure to be a huge hit with a new generation of «Horrible Science» readers.
Fearsome Fight for Flight Fearsome Fight for Flight
Автор: Жанр: Scholastic Издательство: Scholastic Год: 2009 Страниц: 160 Дата загрузки: 26 февраля 2011
   Science with the squishy bits left in. «The Fearsome Fight for Flight» will send you sky-high. Are you in a flap to discover who put a parachute on a puppy? Why scientists fire dead birds from cannon? What happened to the world's first flying sheep? If you think you can stomach the sick side of Science, then read on as we go plane crazy. Laugh at some seriously silly flying stunts, find out which scientist was blown up in a balloon, and learn how to build a world-beating plane. With fantastic fact files, quirky quizzes and crazy cartoons, «The Fearsome Fight for Flight» is a real high-flier. Science has never been so horrible.
Frightening Light and Sounds Dreadful Frightening Light and Sounds Dreadful
Автор: Жанр: Scholastic Издательство: Scholastic Год: 2009 Страниц: 352 Дата загрузки: 24 июля 2010
   In «Frightening Light» readers discover what stops their eyeballs from falling out and «Sounds Dreadful» dishes all the dirt on why are farts so noisy. With fantastic fact files and quirky quizzes, teacher tests and crazy cartoons, this terrible twosome has been revamped and is bubbling over with info. Science has never been so horrible.
Frightening Light Frightening Light
Автор: Жанр: Scholastic Издательство: Scholastic Год: 2009 Страниц: 176 Дата загрузки: 12 апреля 2013
   This title presents science with the squishy bits left in! What stops your eyeballs from falling out? Why can dead bodies make ghostly glowing lights? How can a laser beam sizzle human flesh? Get the awful answers in frightening light!
Killer Energy Killer Energy
Автор: Жанр: Scholastic Издательство: Scholastic Год: 2009 Страниц: 160 Дата загрузки: 26 февраля 2011
   Fans will love all the gory details of why space loos spray out frozen pee and which chilling chemical can preserve pets! With a fantastic new cover look and extra horrible bits at the back of the book, this best-selling title is sure to be a huge hit with a new generation of Horrible Science readers.


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