Goldsworthy Andy

Wood: Andy Goldsworthy Wood: Andy Goldsworthy
Автор: Жанр: Thames&Hudson Издательство: Thames&Hudson Год: 2010 Страниц: 120 Дата загрузки: 11 июля 2011
   n this remarkable book, artist Andy Goldsworthy offers a compelling look at the essence of wood as he has come to know it through his sculpture. Expanding upon the themes and preoccupations explored in his previous books, Goldsworthy evokes ideas of growth, perpetual change and transformation through works made of leaves, branches, ice, snow, boulders and sand. Much of his art is ephemeral: what has been drawn from nature will eventually merge with it again. The artist's photographs, superbly reproduced here, capture the moment at which each work came alive for him through a particular quality of light, a precise stage in melting, or the blowing of the wind.
Stone Stone
Автор: Жанр: Thames&Hudson Издательство: Thames&Hudson Год: 2011 Страниц: 120 Дата загрузки: 11 июля 2012
   This spectacular book brings together work made by Andy Goldsworthy in Britain, France, the United States, Australia and Japan between 1990 and 1993. It includes works that involve not only stone of various kinds slate, limestone, sandstone, river boulders but also leaves, flowers, sand, clay and scrap steel. A riverside slab of rock in St Louis, Missouri, glows with the colours of autumn leaves, becomes part of a wall, acquires an overall covering of green leaves, and is cradled in a nest of branches. In a forest in the Lake District, a wall snakes its way through the trees. Sandstone arches progress across the floor of a Dumfriesshire quarry. A dead tree in the Australian outback is miraculously clothed in rust-red sand. «Stone: Andy Goldsworthy» offers an unparalleled opportunity to appreciate the extraordinary breadth of the artists output and to understand more about this exceptionally talented sculptor whose work is accorded worldwide recognition.




