Daniel Suarez

Daemon Daemon
Автор: Жанр: Quercus/MacLehose Press Издательство: Quercus/MacLehose Press Год: 2010 Страниц: 448 Дата загрузки: 22 сентября 2015
   Matthew Sobol is dead, but his final creation survives. It begins with a bizarre murder, where the only possible perpetrator happens to be dead. As more killings follow, the police are completely out of their depth. It falls to the unlikely partnership of Sebeck, a computer-illiterate cop, and Ross, an enigmatic hacker, to realise the scale of the imminent danger. The Daemon is seemingly unstoppable, and murder is the least of its capabilities. As it leaves a trail of death and destruction in its wake, Sebeck and Ross must face up to a terrifying possibility. Can they convince a disbelieving world to take drastic action, and shut down the Daemon before it is too late? Explosive, action-packed, terrifyingly relevant, Daemon redefines the high-concept thriller for the information age.
Freedom Freedom
Автор: Жанр: Quercus/MacLehose Press Издательство: Quercus/MacLehose Press Год: 2011 Страниц: 368 Дата загрузки: 11 августа 2013
   The Daemon is now firmly in control and moving towards its endgame, using an expanding network of real-world, dispossessed darknet operatives to tear civilization apart and build it anew. As the global economy begins to fail, the world's most powerful organizations — monolithic corporations, complete with armies of their own — prepare to fight their unseen enemy. When a brutal civil war breaks out in the United States, former detective Pete Sebeck, now the Daemon's most powerful though reluctant operative, must lead a small band of enlightened humans to protect the new world order. Amid conflicting loyalties, rapidly diminishing human power and the possibility that anyone can be a daemon operative or a corporate spy, Sebeck knows that he embodies the last hope that freedom can survive the information revolution.




