Barney Stinson

The Bro Code The Bro Code
Автор: Жанр: Simon & Schuster Издательство: Simon & Schuster Год: 2009 Страниц: 192 Дата загрузки: 15 июня 2011
   THE BRO CODE provides men with all the rules they need to know in order to become a bro and behave properly among other bros. THE BRO CODE has never been published before. Few know of its existence, and the code, until now, has been verbally communicated between those in the 'bro'. Containing approximately 150 unspoken rules, this code of conduct ranges from the simple (bros before hos) to the complex (the hot-to-crazy ratio, complete with bar graphs and charts). With helpful sidebros THE BRO CODE will help any ordinary guy become the best bro he can be. Let ultimate bro and co-author Barney Stinson and his book, THE BRO CODE share their wisdom, lest you be caught making eye contact in a devil's three-way (two dudes, duh.) Sample Articles from THE BRO CODE: Article 1: Regardless of veracity, a Bro never admits familiarity with a Broadway show or musical. Article 53: A Bro will, whenever possible, provide his Bro with prophylactic protection.Article 57: A Bro may not speculate on the expected Bro / chick ratio of a party or venue without first disclosing the present-time observed ratio.
Bro on the Go Bro on the Go
Автор: Жанр: Simon & Schuster Издательство: Simon & Schuster Год: 2009 Страниц: 128 Дата загрузки: 21 августа 2011
   THE BRO CODE provides men with all the rules they need to know in order to become a bro and behave properly among other bros. THE BRO CODE has never been published before. Few know of its existence, and the code, until now, has been verbally communicated between those in the 'bro'. Containing approximately 150 unspoken rules, this code of conduct ranges from the simple (bros before hos) to the complex (the hot-to-crazy ratio, complete with bar graphs and charts). With helpful sidebros THE BRO CODE will help any ordinary guy become the best bro he can be. Let ultimate bro and co-author Barney Stinson and his book, THE BRO CODE share their wisdom, lest you be caught making eye contact in a devil's three-way (two dudes, duh.) Sample Articles from THE BRO CODE: Article 1: Regardless of veracity, a Bro never admits familiarity with a Broadway show or musical. Article 53: A Bro will, whenever possible, provide his Bro with prophylactic protection.Article 57: A Bro may not speculate on the expected Bro / chick ratio of a party or venue without first disclosing the present-time observed ratio.
The Playbook: Suit Up: Score Chicks. Be Awesome The Playbook: Suit Up: Score Chicks. Be Awesome
Автор: Жанр: Simon & Schuster Издательство: Simon & Schuster Год: 2010 Страниц: 141 Дата загрузки: 10 декабря 2012
   It. Is. On. From the pen of the prolific (and bestselling) author Barney Stinson comes the indispensable guide for every Bro looking to score with The Ladies. Featuring the famous plays including: — The Lorenzo Von Matterhorn — Mrs. Stinsfire — The Ted Mosby — The Time Traveller — The 'SNASA' — The Scuba Diver — The 'He's Not Coming'... and other greatest hits from Barney Stinson's secret Playbook of legendary moves. So suit up and get ready to be schooled in awsomeness.




