The Harrowing
The Harrowing Автор: Жанр: Little, Brown and Company Издательство: Little, Brown and Company Год: 2009 Количество страниц: 288 Формат:  PDF (14.40 МБ)
Дата загрузки: 14 сентября 2014

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Baird College's Mendenhall echoes with the footsteps of students heading home for Thanksgiving break and Robin Stone, who won't be going home, swears she can feel the creepy, hundred-year-old residence hall breathe a sigh of relief for its long-awaited solitude. As a massive storm approaches, four other lonely students reveal themselves to Robin: Patrick, a handsome jock; Lisa, a manipulative tease; Cain, a brooding musician; and Martin, a scholarly eccentric. Each has forsaken a long weekend at home for their own secret reasons. The five unlikely companions establish a tentative rapport, but they soon become aware of another presence disturbing the building's ominous silence. Are they the victims of an elaborate prank, or is the energy evidence of something genuine — something intent on using them for its own terrifying ends?

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