Elizabeth I and Her Terrible Temper
Elizabeth I and Her Terrible Temper Автор: Жанр: Scholastic Издательство: Scholastic Год: 2010 Количество страниц: 208 Формат:  PDF (10.40 МБ)
Дата загрузки: 17 августа 2012

с друзьями!


Everybody knows that Elizabeth I was called the Virgin Queen, that she had lots of admirers and refused to marry and that her army beat the Spanish Armada. But in this book readers can discover all the fascinating facts they didn't know...how Liz liked to lock up her ladies for getting married and how her reputation was nearly ruined when her boyfriend's wife was found dead at the bottom of the stairs. It offers everything you could ever want to know about the woman with the big red wig.

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