Puck of Pook's Hill
Puck of Pook's Hill Автор: Жанр: Wordsworth Издательство: Wordsworth Год: 1994 Количество страниц: 224 Формат:  PDF (11.20 МБ)
Дата загрузки: 04 июля 2009

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When Dan and Una stage a performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream in a fairy ring, they are astonished by the appearance of Puck in person. He explains that he is the last of the People of the Hills, who started as gods before descending into this world. Puck leads the two children in a series of extraordinary historical adventures in which they meet, Romans and Crusaders, Saxons and Vikings. Kipling's charming songs and verses, including the famous Smuggler's Song are placed between each thrilling story. The book is beautifully illustrated by H.R. Millar.

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