Random House, Inc.

Alex Cross's Trial Alex Cross's Trial
Автор: Жанр: Random House Inc. Издательство: Random House, Inc. Год: 2009 Страниц: 400 Дата загрузки: 15 апреля 2013
   While you wait for the next exciting installment in the «Alex Cross series», «I, Alex Cross» (published November 2009 by Century), get your hands on a new book written by Alex Cross himself! Ben Corbett is a brilliant young lawyer in early-twentieth-century Washington DC. Yet he is a disappointment to his wife and father, who believe he wastes his talents by doing poorly-paid and thankless work helping the poor and downtrodden. One day, out of the blue, he receives a private invitation to the White House. President Theodore Roosevelt has personally selected Ben to help him investigate rumours of lynchings and a re-emergence of the outlawed Ku Klux Klan in Ben's own hometown of Eudora, Mississippi. Ben accepts the mission handed to him and is given the name of a man in Eudora who will help him in this covert operation — the man's name is Abraham Cross, great-uncle of Alex. As Ben delves into the murky depths of racial hatred that hide beneath the surface of this seemingly sleepy Southern town, people become suspicious of what he is trying to do, and make it very clear to Ben what he is risking if he continues. Ben must decide if he is willing to lose old friends, his family, maybe even his life, for the cause he believes in. In his quest to bring about justice for the tortured and tormented black community of Eudora, Ben will have to take on the biggest, most difficult, and most dangerous trial of his life. But can one man fight an entire town, an entire state that is stuck in the past and willing to go to any lengths to halt change and the coming of a future that they desperately fear?
Firefly: Still Flying Firefly: Still Flying
Автор: Жанр: Random House Inc. Издательство: Random House, Inc. Год: 2010 Страниц: 160 Дата загрузки: 26 февраля 2012
   Before the smash hit movie Serenity came Firefly, the cult TV series which started it all and became a DVD phenomenon, selling almost half a million copies. Set 500 years in the future, Firefly centres around Mal Reynolds, captain of the ship-for-hire Serenity and its eclectic crew of galactic misfits. When he takes on two passengers, a young doctor and his mysterious, telepathic sister, he gets much more than he bargained for... This third official companion in the much-loved series is packed with unseen photos, costume designs, behind the scenes secrets and much more.
House of Versace: The Untold Story of Genius, Murder, and Survival House of Versace: The Untold Story of Genius, Murder, and Survival
Автор: Жанр: Random House Inc. Издательство: Random House, Inc. Год: 2011 Страниц: 343 Дата загрузки: 14 сентября 2016
   Versace. The very name conjures up images of outrageous glamour and bold sexuality, opulence and daring. All of course true, but only half the story. Versace is also the legacy of a great creative genius from a poor, backward part of southern Italy who transformed the fashion world through his intuitive understanding of both women and how a changing culture influenced the way they wanted to dress. The first book in English about the legendary designer, House of Versace shows how Gianni Versace, with his flamboyant sister Donatella at his side, combined his virtuosic talent and extraordinary ambition to almost single-handedly create the celebrity culture we take for granted today. Gianni Versace was at the height of his creative powers when he was murdered in Miami Beach. The story was front page news around the world and the manhunt for his killer a media obsession. His beloved sister Donatella demanded no less than a funeral befitting an assassinated head-of-state to be held in Milan's magnificent cathedral. In what was the ultimate fashion show, the world's rich and beautiful — Princess Dianna, Elton John, Carla Bruni, Naomi Campbell, Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy, Anna Wintour and others — gathered to mourn a man already considered one of fashion's great pioneers. Deborah Ball, a long-time Milan correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, conducted hundreds of interviews with Versace family members, Gianni Versace's lovers and business rivals, models such as Naomi Campbell whom he helped shoot to international stardom and fashion industry icons, including Anna Wintour, the legendary editor of Vogue. Ball vividly recounts the behind-the scenes struggles — both creative and business — of Donatella as she stepped out of her brother's long shadow and took control of the House of Versace. The book offers the first inside look at the enormous challenges Donatella faced in living up to Gianni's genius, her struggle with a drug habit, her battles with her brother Santo and the mystery of why Gianni left control of his house to Donatella's young daughter, Allegra. House of Versace is a compelling, highly readable tale of rise from obscurity, a painful fall and ultimate redemption as the Versace empire returned to health — for now. Bringing together fashion, celebrity, business drama, jet-set lifestyles, and a notorious crime, House of Versace is an old-fashioned page-turner about a subject of enduring fascination. From the Hardcover edition.
The Futurist: The Life and Films of James Cameron The Futurist: The Life and Films of James Cameron
Автор: Жанр: Random House Inc. Издательство: Random House, Inc. Год: 2010 Страниц: 283 Дата загрузки: 24 июля 2011
   With the release of Avatar in December 2009, James Cameron cements his reputation as king of sci-fi and blockbuster filmmaking. It's a distinction he's long been building, through a directing career that includes such cinematic landmarks as The Terminator, Aliens, The Abyss, and the highest grossing movie of all time, Titanic. The Futurist is the first in-depth look at every aspect of this audacious creative genius — culminating in an exclusive behind-the-scenes glimpse of the making of Avatar, the movie that promises to utterly transform the way motion pictures are created and perceived. As decisive a break with the past as the transition from silents to talkies, Avatar pushes 3-D, live action, and photo-realistic CGI to a new level. It rips through the emotional barrier of the screen to transport the audience to a fabulous new virtual world. With cooperation from the often reclusive Cameron, author Rebecca Keegan has crafted a singularly revealing portrait of the director's life and work. We meet the young truck driver who sees Star Wars and sets out to learn how to make even better movies himself — starting by taking apart the first 35mm camera he rented to see how it works. We observe the neophyte director deciding over lunch with Arnold Schwarzenegger that the ex-body builder turned actor is wrong in every way for the Terminator role as written, but perfect regardless. After the success of The Terminator, Cameron refines his special-effects wizardry with a big-time Hollywood budget in the creation of the relentlessly exciting Aliens. He builds an immense underwater set for The Abyss in the massive containment vessel of an abandoned nuclear power plant — where he pushes his scuba-breathing cast to and sometimes past their physical and emotional breaking points (including a white rat that Cameron saved from drowning by performing CPR). And on the set of Titanic, the director struggles to stay in charge when someone maliciously spikes craft services' mussel chowder with a massive dose of PCP, rendering most of the cast and crew temporarily psychotic. Now, after his movies have earned over $5 billion at the box office, James Cameron is astounding the world with the most expensive, innovative, and ambitious movie of his career. For decades the moviemaker has been ready to tell the Avatar story but was forced to hold off his ambitions until technology caught up with his vision. Going beyond the technical ingenuity and narrative power that Cameron has long demonstrated, Avatar shatters old cinematic paradigms and ushers in a new era of storytelling.
Der verborgene Garten Der verborgene Garten
Автор: Жанр: Random House Inc. Издательство: Random House, Inc. Год: 2010 Страниц: 640 Дата загрузки: 17 апреля 2014
   Ein verwunschener Garten, eine adlige Familie, ein dunkles Geheimnis. Als die junge Australierin Cassandra von ihrer Großmutter ein kleines Cottage an der Küste Cornwalls erbt, ahnt sie nichts von dem unheilvollen Versprechen, das zwei Freundinnen ein Jahrhundert zuvor an jenem Ort einlösten. Auf den Spuren der Vergangenheit entdeckt Cassandra ein Geheimnis, das seinen Anfang in den Gärten von Blackhurst Manor nahm und seit Generationen das Schicksal ihrer Familie bestimmt. Blackhurst Manor, Cornwall, Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts: Nach dem Tod ihrer Eltern wächst Eliza bei ihrem Onkel auf Blackhurst Manor, dem Familienbesitz der Mountrachets, auf. Sie und ihre Cousine Rose werden schnell unzertrennlich. Um der Welt der Erwachsenen zu entfliehen, erkunden sie das geheimnisvolle Anwesen und entdecken einen verborgenen Garten mit einem Cottage — ein Ort, an den sich die fantasievolle Eliza immer wieder zurückziehen kann. Doch als die Mädchen erwachsen werden, zerbricht ihre einstige Freundschaft. Rose verliebt sich in Nathaniel, und als die beiden heiraten, zieht sich Eliza in das Cottage zurück, um sich ganz dem Schreiben von Geschichten zu widmen. So ahnt sie nicht, dass Rose zutiefst unglücklich ist, weil ihre Ehe kinderlos bleibt. In ihrer Verzweiflung bittet sie Eliza um Hilfe. Ein unheilvoller Plan wird in die Tat umgesetzt und bestimmt fortan das Schicksal der nachfolgenden Generationen.
Für immer der Deine Für immer der Deine
Автор: Жанр: Random House Inc. Издательство: Random House, Inc. Год: 2010 Страниц: 480 Дата загрузки: 12 марта 2013
   An der Schwelle zwischen Leben und Tod findet Logan Thibault einen Glücksbringer: die Fotografie einer lächelnden, schönen Frau. Obwohl er sie noch nie zuvor gesehen hat, glaubt Thibault, dass sie den Schlüssel zu seinem Schicksal in Händen hält. Er sucht die geheimnisvolle Frau auf — und sein Leben nimmt eine so wunderbare wie dramatische Wendung.
Herbstmagie Herbstmagie
Автор: Жанр: Random House Inc. Издательство: Random House, Inc. Год: 2010 Страниц: 448 Дата загрузки: 22 сентября 2015
   Romantisch und gefühlvoll: Der dritte Roman des Jahreszeitenzyklus von Nora Roberts. Gemeinsam mit ihren drei besten Freundinnen betreibt die hübsche Konditorin Laurel die erfolgreiche Hochzeitsagentur Vows. Tag für Tag hilft sie glücklichen Paaren, ihre Liebe mit einem rauschenden Fest zu krönen, in Laurels eigenem Privatleben sieht es aber alles andere als rosig aus. Doch dann verliebt sie sich in den smarten Staranwalt Del. Er ist für sie die Liebe ihres Lebens, aber sieht der heißbegehrte Junggeselle das ebenso?
Verdammnis Verdammnis
Автор: Жанр: Random House Inc. Издательство: Random House, Inc. Год: 2008 Страниц: 768 Дата загрузки: 26 марта 2011
   Mikael Blomkvist recherchiert in einem besonders brisanten. Fall von Mädchenhandel, die Hintermänner bekleiden höchste Regierungsämter. Als sein Informant tot aufgefunden wird, fällt der Verdacht auf Blomkvists Partnerin Lisbeth Salander. Eine mörderische Hetzjagd beginnt. Der neue große Roman des preisgekrönten Bestsellerautors Stieg Larsson.Ein ehrgeiziger junger Journalist bietet Mikael Blomkvist für sein Magazin «Millennium» eine Story an, die skandalöser nicht sein könnte. Amts — und Würdenträger der schwedischen Gesellschaft vergehen sich an jungen russischen Frauen, die gewaltsam ins Land geschafft und zur Prostitution gezwungen werden. Als sich Lisbeth Salander in die Recherchen einschaltet, stößt sie auf ein besonders pikantes Detail: Nils Bjurman, ihr ehemaliger Betreuer, scheint in den Mädchenhandel involviert zu sein. Wenig später werden der Journalist und Nils Bjurman tot aufgefunden. Die Tatwaffe trägt Lisbeths Fingerabdrücke. Sie wird an den Pranger gestellt und flüchtet. Nur Mikael Blomkvist glaubt an ihre Unschuld und beginnt, auf eigene Faust zu ermitteln. Seine Nachforschungen führen in Lisbeths Vergangenheit. Eine Vergangenheit, die ihn bald das Fürchten lehrt.»Blomkvist und Salander — ein Ermittler-Dreamteam.»WDR»Stieg Larssons Romane sind so mitreißend, dass sie eine Gefahr für das öffentliche Leben darstellen. Lesende Menschen werden Fußgängerzonen und Parks besetzen, die Arbeitswelt wird lahmgelegt — alles wegen Larssons Romanen, die man nicht aus der Hand legen kann.»Bild am Sonntag»Selten hat es in skandinavischer Krimiliteratur eine so originelle, widersprüchliche und packende Hauptfigur gegeben wie die gegen den Strich lebende Lisbeth Salander. «Hamburger Abendblatt.
Vergebung Vergebung
Автор: Жанр: Random House Inc. Издательство: Random House, Inc. Год: 2009 Страниц: 864 Дата загрузки: 27 апреля 2013
   Die Ermittlerin Lisbeth Salander steht unter Mordverdacht. Ihr Partner Mikael Blomkvist schwört, ihre Unschuld zu beweisen. Er weiß, dass es um Salanders Leben geht. Als seine Ermittlungen die schwedische Regierung in ihren Grundfesten zu erschüttern drohen, setzt er alles auf eine Karte. Nach «Verblendung» und «Verdammnis» der grandiose Höhepunkt der Trilogie um das Ermittlerduo Blomkvist und Salander.
20th Century Children's Poetry Trea 20th Century Children's Poetry Trea
Автор: Жанр: Random House Inc. Издательство: Random House, Inc. Год: 1999 Страниц: 96 Дата загрузки: 15 июня 2009
   So writes Jack Prelutsky in his introduction to this exciting companion volume to the highly successful 20th Century Children's Book Treasury. Prelutsky has selected over 200 short, fun-to-read poems by 137 outstanding poets of this century. Though every decade is represented, the majority of the poems were written since children's poetry entered its golden age, about 35 years ago. The poems are arranged by topics, such as sports, sibling rivalry, outer space, food fights, and just plain silliness, as well as the ageless themes of children's poetry-imagination, nature, the seasons, weather, and the many moods of human beings. Every page of the book is beautifully designed and illustrated with evocative watercolor paintings by Meilo So, who last collaborated with Prelutsky on The Beauty of the Beast. An excellent value, The 20th Century Children's Poetry Treasury is a stunning gift edition that belongs in every child's home library.
Interview with the Vampire Interview with the Vampire
Автор: Жанр: Random House Inc. Издательство: Random House, Inc. Год: 1997 Страниц: 352 Дата загрузки: 22 мая 2009
   Here are the confessions of a vampire. Hypnotic, shocking, and chillingly erotic, this is a novel of mesmerizing beauty and astonishing force — a story of danger and flight, of love and loss, of suspense and resolution, and of the extraordinary power of the senses. It is a novel only Anne Rice could write.
The Year of the Flood The Year of the Flood
Автор: Жанр: Random House Inc. Издательство: Random House, Inc. Год: 2010 Страниц: 575 Дата загрузки: 27 сентября 2015
   The long-awaited new novel from Margaret Atwood. The Year of the Flood is a dystopic masterpiece and a testament to her visionary power. The times and species have been changing at a rapid rate, and the social compact is wearing as thin as environmental stability. Adam One, the kindly leader of the God's Gardeners — a religion devoted to the melding of science and religion, as well as the preservation of all plant and animal life — has long predicted a natural disaster that will alter Earth as we know it. Now it has occurred, obliterating most human life. Two women have survived: Ren, a young trapeze dancer locked inside the high-end sex club Scales and Tails, and Toby, a God's Gardener barricaded inside a luxurious spa where many of the treatments are edible. Have others survived? Ren's bioartist friend Amanda? Zeb, her eco-fighter stepfather? Her onetime lover, Jimmy? Or the murderous Painballers, survivors of the mutual-elimination Painball prison? Not to mention the shadowy, corrupt policing force of the ruling powers... Meanwhile, gene-spliced life forms are proliferating: the lion/lamb blends, the Mo'hair sheep with human hair, the pigs with human brain tissue. As Adam One and his intrepid hemp-clad band make their way through this strange new world, Ren and Toby will have to decide on their next move. They can't stay locked away... By turns dark, tender, violent, thoughtful, and uneasily hilarious, The Year of the Flood is Atwood at her most brilliant and inventive.
The Godfather of Kathmandu The Godfather of Kathmandu
Автор: Жанр: Random House Inc. Издательство: Random House, Inc. Год: 2005 Страниц: 291 Дата загрузки: 17 октрября 2008
   Now in paperback from John Burdett-internationally bestselling author! Sonchai Jitpleecheep-John Burdett's hard, bitter Royal Thai Police detective with a Buddhist soul-is summoned to the most shocking crime scene of his career.
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest
Автор: Жанр: Random House Inc. Издательство: Random House, Inc. Год: 2010 Страниц: 800 Дата загрузки: 16 апреля 2014
   Lisbeth Salander — the heart of Larsson's two previous novels — is under close supervision in the intensive care unit of a Swedish city hospital. She's fighting for her life in more ways than one: when she's well enough, she'll stand trial for three murders. With the help of her friend, journalist Mikael Blomkvist, she will have to prove her innocence, and to identify the corrupt politicians who have allowed the vulnerable, like herself, to suffer abuse. And, on her own, she will plot her revenge — against the man who tried to kill her and the government institutions that very nearly destroyed her life.
The Lost Art of Gratitude The Lost Art of Gratitude
Автор: Жанр: Random House Inc. Издательство: Random House, Inc. Год: 2010 Страниц: 262 Дата загрузки: 16 марта 2013
   Isabels son, Charlie, is now of an ageeighteen monthsto have a social life, and so off they go to a birthday party, where, much to Isabels surprise, she encounters an old adversary, Minty Auchterlonie, now a high-flying financier. Minty had seemed to Isabel a woman of ruthless ambition, but the question of her integrity had never been answered. Now, when Minty takes Isabel into her confidence about a personal matter, Isabel finds herself going another round: Is Minty to be trusted? Or is she the perpetrator of an enormous financial fraud? And what should Isabel make of the rumors of shady financial transactions at Minty's investment bank? Not that this is the only dilemma facing Isabel: she also crosses swords again with her nemesis, Professor Dove, in an argument over plagiarism. Of course her niece, Cat, has a new, problematic man (a tightrope walker!) in her life. And there remains the open question of marriage to Jamiedoting father of Charlie. As always, there is no end to the delight in accompanying Isabel as she makes her way toward the heart of every problem: philosophizing, sleuthing, and downright snooping in her inimitableand inimitably charmingfashion.
Faceless Killers Faceless Killers
Автор: Жанр: Random House Inc. Издательство: Random House, Inc. Год: 2011 Страниц: 400 Дата загрузки: 16 февраля 2013
   First in the Kurt Wallander series. It was a senselessly violent crime: on a cold night in a remote Swedish farmhouse an elderly farmer is bludgeoned to death, and his wife is left to die with a noose around her neck. And as if this didn't present enough problems for the Ystad police Inspector Kurt Wallander, the dying woman's last word is foreign, leaving the police the one tangible clue they have-and in the process, the match that could inflame Sweden's already smoldering anti-immigrant sentiments. Unlike the situation with his ex-wife, his estranged daughter, or the beautiful but married young prosecuter who has peaked his interest, in this case, Wallander finds a problem he can handle. He quickly becomes obsessed with solving the crime before the already tense situation explodes, but soon comes to realize that it will require all his reserves of energy and dedication to solve.
Daddy-Long-Legs Daddy-Long-Legs
Автор: Жанр: Random House Inc. Издательство: Random House, Inc. Год: 2011 Страниц: 194 Дата загрузки: 02 сентября 2016
   Bright and lively Judy Abbott is an orphan who dreams of escaping the drudgery of her life at the John Grier Home. One day she receives a marvelous opportunity — a wealthy male benefactor has agreed to fund her higher education. In return, Judy must keep him informed about the ups and downs of college life. From horrendous Latin lessons to falling in love, the result is a series of letters both hilarious and poignant. Fans of L. M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables and Louisa May Alcott's Little Women will relish this American-girl-power coming-of-age story. This gentle romance is the seventh book in the Looking Glass Library series.
The Edible Woman The Edible Woman
Автор: Жанр: Random House Inc. Издательство: Random House, Inc. Год: 1998 Страниц: 336 Дата загрузки: 09 февраля 2009
   Ever since her engagement, the strangest thing has been happening to Marian McAlpin: she can't eat. First meat. Then eggs, vegetables, cake, pumpkin seeds — everything! Worse yet, she has the crazy feeling that she's being eaten. Marian ought to feel consumed with passion, but she really just feels... consumed. A brilliant and powerful work rich in irony and metaphor, «The Edible Woman» is an unforgettable masterpiece by a true master of contemporary literary fiction.
Mirror Image Mirror Image
Автор: Жанр: Random House Inc. Издательство: Random House, Inc. Год: 1999 Страниц: 560 Дата загрузки: 17 апреля 2009
   To look at one was to see the other. For family, even the girls' own father, it was a constant guessing game. For strangers, the surprise was overwhelming. And for the twins Olivia and Victoria Henderson, two remarkable young women coming of age at the turn of the century, their bond was mysterious, marvelous, and often playful — a secret realm only they inhabited. Olivia and Victoria were the beloved daughters of a man who never fully recovered from his wife's death bearing them in 1893. Shy, serious Olivia, born eleven minutes before her sister, had taken over the role of mother in their lush New York estate, managing not only a household but her rebellious twin's flights of fancy. Free-spirited Victoria wanted to change the world. She embraced the women's suffrage movement and dreamed of sailing to war-torn Europe. Then, in the girls' twenty-first year, as the first world war escalated overseas, a fateful choice changed their lives forever. It began when Victoria's life was about to become a public scandal. It led to a painful decision, and brought handsome lawyer Charles Dawson into the Henderson's life and family. Hand-picked by the twins' father to save his daughter's reputation, Charles was still mourning his wife's death aboard the Titanic, struggling to raise his nine year-old son alone, determined never to lose his heart again. Charles wanted to believe that, for the sake of his son, he could make an unwanted marriage work. But in an act of deception that only Olivia and Victoria could manage, the twins took an irrevocable step, which changed both their lives forever; and took one of the twins to the battlefields of France, the other into a marriage she longed for butcould not have. From Manhattan society to the trenches of war-ravaged France, Mirror Image moves elegantly and dramatically through a rich and troubled era. With startling insight, Danielle Steel explores women's choices: between home and adventure, between the love for family and the passion for a cause, between sacrifice and desire. But at the heart of Mirror Image is a fascinating, realistic portrait of identical twins, two vastly different sisters who lead their lives and follow their destinies against a vivid backdrop of a world at war.
Echoes Echoes
Автор: Жанр: Random House Inc. Издательство: Random House, Inc. Год: 2005 Страниц: 464 Дата загрузки: 25 мая 2008
   Against a vivid backdrop of history, Danielle Steel tells a compelling story of love and war, acts of faith and acts of betrayal... and of three generations of women as they journey though years of loss and survival, linked by an indomitable devotion that echoes across time. For the Wittgenstein family, the summer of 1915 was a time of both prosperity and unease, as the guns of war sound in the distance. But for eldest daughter Beata, it was also a summer of awakening. By the glimmering waters of Lake Geneva, the quiet Jewish beauty met a young French officer and fell in love. Knowing that her parents would never accept her marriage to a Catholic, Beata followed her heart anyway. And as the two built a new life together, Beata's past would stay with her in ways she could never have predicted. For as the years pass, and Europe is once again engulfed in war, Beata must watch in horror as Hitler's terror threatens her life and family — even her eighteen-year-old daughter Amadea, who has taken on the vows of a Carmelite nun. For Amadea, the convent is no refuge. As family and friends are swept away without a trace, Amadea is forced into hiding. Thus begins a harrowing journey of survival, as she escapes into the heart of the French Resistance. Here Amadea will find a renewed sense of purpose, taking on the most daring missions behind enemy lines. And it is here, in the darkest moments of fear, that Amadea will feel her mother's loving strength — and that of her mother's mother before her-as the voices of lost loved ones echo powerfully in her heart. And here, amid the fires of war, Amadea will meet an extraordinary man, British secret agent Rupert Montgomery. In Colonel Montgomery, Amadea finds a man who will help her discover her place in an unbreakable chain between generations... and between her lost family and her dreams for the future — a future she is only just beginning to imagine: a future of hope rooted in the rich soil of the past. With the grace of a master storyteller, Danielle Steel breathes life into history, creating a bold, sweeping tale filled with unforgettable characters and breathtaking images — from the elegant rituals of Europe's prewar aristocracy to the brutal desperation of Germany's death camps. Drawing us into a vanished world, Echoes weaves an intricate tapestry of a mother's love, a daughter's courage... and the unwavering faith that sustained them — even in history's darkest hour.



