Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Biomacromolecules
Автор: Vekshin N.L.
Жанр: Клинико-инструментальные методы исследования
Издательство: Фотон-век
Год: 2009 Количество страниц: 192
PDF (9.60 МБ)
Дата загрузки: 15 июня 20112012-04-15
The book by Dr. Nikolai Vekshin (Head researcher in the Institute of Cell Biophysics of Russian Acad. Sci.) is the English translation (with additions and corrections) of his book «Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Biopolymers», published recently in Russian. It is a brief course in fluorescence spectroscopy of biomacromolecules and their complexes. General items on spectroscopy, engineering of experiments and biological examples are given. Proteins, enzymes, DNA, oligonucleotides, biomembranes, coenzymes, antibiotics, fluorescent probes, dyes etc. are presented as examples (basically from own experience of the author). The book is intended for biophysicists, biochemists, molecular biologists, physical-chemists and other researchers, interested in use of fluorescent methods.
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